Forest Seed

on Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Silence in the woods
Simmers in the ears
Like lava in phantom hills

The sound of the cricket
Serenade earths embryo

Walking alone
In the mid hot sun
The shadow of the eyes
Following the soul

The internal song
Heard unto the destiny

No one is found with in sight

Stationed at the doorway of the forest

And the periphery of the village horizon

Whether the palm tree

Rooted in the banyan tree

Or the banyan tree entrenched in the palm tree

Like temples of local deities

A quiet traverse
In quest embracing the birds seed tweet

Which drew the euphoria of diversity in oneness …


Nature scapes

on Thursday, 31 October 2013

The fragrance
Of marigold leaves
Surrounds the air
Meadows of marigold flowers
In various shades
Swarm of butterflies
Tweet of sparrows, doves, and hemming birds
Flying and fetching material for building nests
We just planted few and cared the soil
The Nature
Paints its self portrait
And exhibits in each spell


Morning mist

on Saturday, 26 October 2013

Early morning
Pitched   on the wire
The crows screech
From the darkness shell
Unveils the dawn
Street lights are switched off

Nature slowly exposes its colors in different variations
A cool breeze from the loam
Flag the feathers
Darkness departs to wireless station


Bundle of love

on Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Grass flowers
Breeze band

Rain drops

on Monday, 21 October 2013

On ground
Her earthly fragrance


on Sunday, 20 October 2013

Tiger resting
Beside its pond
The reflections in the pool
Never have a shade of green
Is a tear drops whirl
Once a roaring voice
Twisted into disturbance sound to the neighborhood
A wild moment imprisoned in concrete jungle
Occasional birds jingle from the branches
Falling dried leaves in its terrain
Salute the uncrowned royalty

Eye of the storm

on Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Alarming waves

Storm in soul

Green Weavers

on Wednesday, 9 October 2013

When we went
To place flowers
On the grave of our ancestors
The sight of a blossomed
Cemetery with fresh morning dew drops
On the edges of blades of grass and every blossoming bud
 My son with ecstasy ran hither and thither
Like meeting soul mates after a long space
He returned and looked at me
For resting the flowers on the dear ones
 My parched eyes searched
For green pastures to bury myself
With a guilt of not inheriting the loom
Of green dream weavers.


The bamboo bush in my garden

on Thursday, 3 October 2013

In midst of the night
The image of bamboo grove
Resembles a celestial teacher
Tutoring his disciples
Shades of falling leaves
A squeal light from the bush
Unveils the dawn
Nested birds in the comb of the shrub
Flag their wings
And fly to gather wisdom
To feed the offspring’s
Day in day and out
Of nesting season
The bamboo leaves
Whither in my dreams


An insight

on Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Fumes from beneath the ground
Light the night

The coal reveals its blood colour

Sun beams
In undercover operation

Shamans of the forest
Seldom tell stories of the past

Some veins have streams of caterpillar’s blood
And sight of butterflies

Unheard melodies
Whisper underneath the soul



on Saturday, 21 September 2013

 Imprinted green leaf
On shoulder
Heart beats

Last sight

on Thursday, 12 September 2013

The thin lairs of eye
Coil on cheeks
As water dries up in the throat

Late Night

on Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Her sight pierce
Thread through needles hole
 I am drunk


Face of time

on Saturday, 31 August 2013

Lasting sparkle
In my Retina


Exhibition of Soul

on Tuesday, 13 August 2013

I post portraits of grannies, mothers, rural and tribal women
In the face book
They travel through different terminal groups
Will be part of global group shows
Viewers visit leave some likes and few comments
Like traveler in a passing train peeping  through the window pane
The stationed unknown persons and human scapes in various junctions
Some faces look appealing, identical and some as if met previously
My portraits soul returns back
Share these in a framed show
Our mothers and grannies have left us
To perform an act of love, care and sharing
For the show to be an eternal
You are welcome for this show
 At the self portrait gallery
To make endless voyage

-note by curator, anonymous poet


on Thursday, 8 August 2013

Received first message from the earth

Reciprocated last wish of mine 

Now saplings and soil

Are in constant conversation

Musings spread everywhere



on Sunday, 4 August 2013

Me and my wife
Sleep on the swing mat
Tied below to our sons cot

In the midnight
Crescent moon plays hide and seek
Through the windows mirror
Gossips with plants
And wooden sculptures of aboriginal people
Stationed on the plank

Early in the morning
Bird tapping the windows mirror
Pronounce it heard the chat
And clasps its feathers joyfully



on Saturday, 3 August 2013

The vista of

Looking back at the moment of goodbye

Flash of Eyelashes

Memo to pupil

We neither meet nor depart



on Thursday, 1 August 2013

When you read my poem
My words echo
In your souls voice
I rejoice like a clouds burst


Honey Bar

on Saturday, 27 July 2013

When the bar closes
And every one leaves
The last drop
Hangs to the throat of the empty bottle
Genes eye open in my dreams
Takes my soul on a long ride
Between heaven and hell
In a magical carpet
While the celestial beauties
Cushion themselves
On my naked anatomy



on Saturday, 20 July 2013

Forest beneath the ground

Gives shade to my feet

My journey is like grasshoppers hopping


Wings of earth

on Sunday, 14 July 2013


Her muddy hands in the soil

Colors of butterflies 

Will sprout


Acacia Flower

on Thursday, 11 July 2013

Cloudy evening

Under the acacia crown

Conversing with herself

Blind women

And waiting for empathetic hands

To cross the path

The tranquil soul tree

With leaves smile

Wave like lips 

Indicating directions for

Joyful air

(29-6-13, Gandhi nagar bus terminal)

Crescent Moon

on Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Trembling leaf

On its way to galaxy

A momentary stay of togetherness and exit

Kernel of love

Grow in transition

A nostalgic mark in the eyeball

Occasional thoughts of love sparkle in it

Stars do not take birth in sky

Are borne in the fistful space of us

When we met

Shake hands in west way

And depart

Fold them in east mode

I am needle, your compass

The rest of the directions

Will be revealed by our ways

The kiss of yours will hang like crescent moon

Leaves will be the dates in the calendar

@satya, (2-6-13)

Floating Tree

on Monday, 1 July 2013

Looking through beneath the eye level

Undressing of an eternal body

Meadows of yellowish brown leaves all over the places

Lust microcosm trundle off with wind velocity

Trees once in a blue moon expose their bare anatomy

Ground breaking ceremony of soil

Atone with painting sky with ecstatic white clouds

Spell bound sounds off revitalization reverberate all over

Thunder struck ground is unknown zone

Episodes seldom conclude…

 @ satya, (20-6-13)


on Friday, 28 June 2013

He departs by narrating everything
In few words
A parched earth
Turns into green meadows
With a shower


Dead bare foot

on Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Walking soul 

Waking a dead wood

Pertinent way on foot into the grave

Travelling all alone on the road at midnight

And suddenly crashed by traffic jam thoughts

The moon behind the clouds

Sinks in my belly 

My last wish

Crescent lock on my coffin

A twinkling star hole 

Glaring hollowly

And I am actively dyeing

Imprisoned my self without bars

@satya Srinivas,(16-6-13)

Naked truth

on Friday, 21 June 2013

Some thoughts are stationed at home.
Moon and sun put down their traditional color
Before their reappearance
At every dawn and dusk
Sky attires itself in shades of
The last stoke of the brush from the palette

Few habitations do not have doors
Seasons shed their odor
At these junctures

Roots pertinently revolve
Consistently sprouting on mud paths

Few foot prints
Are still at my door step
With stamps of soil

Maps of destination are drawn by the visitors
Abodes still do not lie


on Tuesday, 18 June 2013

The site of

Planting paddy saplings

Resembles Women’s contour

In earthen root seed form

The desire of kissing their mud fingers

Burns me to breathe in the field


Words travelogue

on Sunday, 16 June 2013

Often silence
Speaks silently
Like the words taking shape from the key board
On to the screen
And withering away
In a brisk of a time

The response
Utters a ‘like’
With or with out smile on the face

My eyes twinkle
On wet lips
The gulp in the throat
Sinks without notice

Some read aloud silently in their hearts

Stone words on my grave
Have silent eyes

Do not place flowers in silence
Just close your eyes and think the moments
Which we loved to share and couldn't

Now I can feel those colors
In solace
When you turn back and leave
My soul whispers in your heart

All along the way s and years to come


Feet Apart

on Sunday, 9 June 2013
Living in
The way to hide
For   a seeker
Hiding places
Mother’s womb
Before born
Trunks and rock caves of nature
 In child hood
Limbs and lips of wife
As grown up
Aspiring twinkling eyes
 Of children
As greying

Day by day
Tagged in spatial chord
In the treasured tones
Like sprouting flowers
Of abodes

My Feet
Search its unattested prints
On the virgin soil
To transmit the
Fragrance back home



on Monday, 3 June 2013

For the entire night
Moon sings lullabies
For my tortoise thoughts
Hatching in the sands of the mind bay
At midst of the dark
Hauling luminescent stray dogs
Eye on the eggs
Few are stolen
And the residual ones
Beneath the layers
Dead in the day
The shells of the consumed
Float on the waves with eagle’s feathers
Without any trace of foot prints
The shades of water marks
On the rocks of the shore
Render the resilient t waves of mine

 At this moment
 I am painting a self portrait

Christen of a bird

on Sunday, 2 June 2013
The sight of

Endless horizons


Stationed on

Soul’s eye level

The tail of tiny bird

Wags in a composing form

Of a welcome and departure hymn

Wings simultaneously swing

In closed and open customs in the air

Heaven and earth

Seldom meet each other

Revolving elusively in their own spheres



Soul mates

on Thursday, 30 May 2013

Of my garden

Blossom like


Behind the clouds

Invisible water

Transforms into

Dew drops on the

Bamboo leaf edges

Like kinfolk


Scare crows spirit

on Saturday, 25 May 2013
Stationed aspirations

Stuffed in different forms and sizes

Distended effigies

To scare the pollinators

Of offspring’s

Rivers of wombs

Expire before traverse

Scare crows are

Time pieces

On seeds grave fields


They where organic Texts

Of the soils dialect!



Through ones own germs dungeon

With coffins pin hole



Last rights

on Saturday, 11 May 2013

The struggle

To respire

Flowers aroma

By and large ends

With bouquets placed on

Their grave

Petal dew's

On panting nerves

Never perform requiems

For the journeys

Which end at threshold

And soil the earth

 ( To Kensaro Viva and 8 followers who were hanged)

Wakeful dreams

on Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Binding love on the lips

Un voiced words bondage

 Night awakes in the eyes

A dawn in no way touching the dusk

Revolving around same space

Speed pledges

 N number of times

Behind the hills

 And woods

An enigma: Love

Traversing soul

In between sky and soil

Haven’t seen a falling star on the earth

Nor it’s hum in the blue

Sharing love and anger

At a time

Knowingly the beholder

Consumes wine and

Relishing feelings

Drunken monks are tavern tenders

You are invited to my abode


With forbidden imaginings

I assure you

Refreshing nostalgia

When you leave

Reminiscence of shared love and abhorrence

Spirited body

With an eye of watch clock flesh

Naked dreams

Ablaze eternally

Summer’s dawn

on Friday, 3 May 2013

Orchestrated Sparrows unveil

In a tapestry symphony

Mirror image

on Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Sparrows nested desire

Reflects my beloveds face

Dreams colour

on Thursday, 18 April 2013

Gradually turning
Cannot read face
Akin to a book
The binding has tainted

Chicken farm

on Friday, 12 April 2013

My eyes
Open as the chick
Shelling out from the embryo
The darkness dissolves in the heart
Like a cocks cukruku  cukruku…
Dawn’s ghosts
Copiously cliché
In the streets
Feeding on the
Flesh of Inner voice

Souls of walls

on Monday, 11 March 2013

In the afternoon
My father’s portrait
Hanging on the wall
Swings like
Last implicit words
The wind from the east
Signs the arrival of summer
Windows patter with themselves
Bidding farewell to the winter
The window glasses
Gesture a common smile
Of Parting and welcome
In replica
Some souls are
Embedded in the walls of the home
With shades of water colours
Breathing more than life time
Houses are engraved fortifications
And I am alone now
Waiting for the homecoming of son
From school
The warmth in the air
 Intimating humid time
Curing the intestate mind
The erroneous zones
Shed wet inscriptions
On the foot steps of doors
Like a snail
 Weather is altering
Through all the open ventilators
And the grandson arrives
Painting on the wall comes to standstill
The inner walls bells
Echo consequently to the weather
Homes do not wither away

Love and agony

on Monday, 4 March 2013

(Rampa, E.G.Dist.A.P.India -96)

Virgin mineral
Beneath feet
And robust surface

Cross roads

on Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Concrete people 
Navigate by
Zebra crossings
Bandicoot’s tummy subway
Giraffe’s neck over
To transit
A cultural waste path
Urban tribe
Mayhems systems
 Over regulations


on Saturday, 16 February 2013

Midnights drizzle
Earths fragrance
Engulf the abode
My nasals sniff it
Like dog licks the owners’ feet
Who returns in dark


on Wednesday, 13 February 2013

The air stages
 Symphony with
Weathering leaves
My beloved’s cuddle
Is a performance of fingers
On the earthen pot
 I am pillory of sand dunes
 In forest



on Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Every morning
Sparrow knock’s mirror
Windows unveil my world.

Book shelf

on Thursday, 24 January 2013

Books embed words
As seeds
Once opened they
Sprout as siblings
My library
Is an ancestral earth
Homely spirit commutes
In green spaceship
Accommodating infinite readers